Recommended Readings for Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting and often overwhelming time full of change, anticipation, and for many – some pretty uncomfortable physical sensations. For anyone looking for emotionally attuned literature that is also grounded in research, check out the recommended readings below! “There is no right or wrong way to be pregnant, to become a mother, to […]

Recommended Readings for the 4th Trimester

Once the baby is born, the last thing you probably have on your mind is finding time to sit down with a good book. The first 3 months after birth can feel like a whirlwind, but it can also be a time to practice slowing down. Reading can be a wonderful coping tool to manage […]

Hormones – what’s happening in my body?

I often hear women sharing their experience of feeling “out of control” during pregnancy and the early postpartum period. Of course there are many contributing factors to the ups and downs experienced during this time, but hormones have a lot to do with it. They function like your body’s chemical communication system, traveling through your […]